Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Word of the day/Meeting update.

A banshee is a female spirit from Irish mythology that is said to be a fore bearer and an omen for death. Usually, it's an apparition that is tied to a certain family, and its howling can be heard when a family member is about to pass. The appearance can be anything to a fair young maiden to an aged crone.

On other news, Psychopomp will prepare for its second meeting. Just because Halloween is over doesn't mean ghost hunting will take a break! This meeting will take place on Saturday, November 5th in La Grange, IL at Caribou Coffee (30 North La Grange Road) at 1 pm sharp. If rides are needed, carpooling can and will be arranged! This meeting, we will discuss future investigations and becoming a formally recognized non-profit group!

Any questions or concerns, email Emily at psychopompparanormal@gmail.com!

Have a great day, readers!

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