Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What IS Psychopomp Paranormal Society?

psychopomp |ˈsīkōˌpämp|(also psychopompos |ˌsīkōˈpämpəs, -ˈpämpäs|)
(in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead.
• the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.

Psychopomp Paranormal Society is dedicated to investigating, researching, and occasionally debunking supernatural myths and stories in the Greater Chicagoland area. Operating out of a small suburb outside of Chicago, we cater to those who are interested in the paranormal, as well as the skeptics who wish to disprove urban legends. Made up of a small team of volunteers, we provide a safe and secure area for those who believe and doubt.

Subscribe and keep reading! We'll have events and meetings soon enough!

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